Balans product

Nutripreserve Basic

Een hogere melkproductie door fris, koud en smakelijk voer

Wat is het?

Nutripreserve Basic is a liquid blend specifically developed to reduce heating in cattle rations, particularly in feed mixtures with high roughage content like corn, alfalfa, and grass. The combination of buffered and non-buffered organic acids in Nutripreserve Basic effectively slows down the fermentation process, which helps to maintain the nutritional value and freshness of the feed. The organic acids also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi, and yeast, reducing issues related to mycotoxins and improving overall digestion. With its lower corrosiveness than non-buffered blends, Nutripreserve Basic is ideal for use in feed mixers, providing a reliable solution for preserving the quality of cattle rations and promoting better animal health and a higher milk yield.

Wanneer te gebruiken?

  • Warme periodes met een omgevingstemperatuur boven de 20°C
  • Broeigevoelige en/of instabiele kuilen
  • Rantsoenen waar water aan toegevoegd wordt
  • Kuilen met een lage voersnelheid


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